“Pink Eye” is the common term used for conjunctivitis, which is an inflammation of the conjunctiva or the loose outer coat of the eye which lines the inside of the lids and the eyeball. In Tamil Nadu it is called ”Madras Eye”, in West Bengal it is called “Jai Bangla”. While these terms refer to the seasonal viral infections which usually affect both the eyes and are self limiting, pink eye causes are many and warrant a proper eye examination by an eye specialist.
Pink eyes or redness in the eye or conjunctivitis could be due to bacterial or viral infections or allergy or due to a foreign body in the eye. Ocular inflammation could also cause red eyes and are associated with pain on touching or moving the eyes.
All affected eyes will have redness, watering, irritation ( feeling of foreign body sensation) in the affected eye with or without discharge.
All pink or red eyes should not be neglected, especially if there is associated pain or discharge. While viral and bacterial infections are contagious, allergic conjunctivitis is not contagious.
Seeing or sitting next to a person with pink or red eyes will not transmit the infection. The affected individuals prefer to use dark glasses as it gives them relief from bright light. Wearing dark glasses will not prevent spread.
The only way to prevent infection from spreading from one eye to the other is by not touching the face or eyes without thoroughly washing ones hands. Spread happens when the affected person rubs or touches his/her infected eye and then shakes hands or touches common household objects which in turn is touched by an unaffected person who is infected when he/she rubs his/ her eye. Fomites are the commonest cause of spread of the infection.
Viral conjunctivitis is given supportive treatment by using topical lubricants and sometimes broad spectrum antibiotic drops to prevent secondary infection. They usually resolve in 7 – 14 days depending on the severity and strain of the virus. Some strains of adenovirus cause associated severe inflammation which warrants a short course of topical steroids. Rarely these viral conjunctivitis may leave some spots on the cornea which may cause blurring if in the visual axis. The spots gradually fade away leaving no residual scars. Those associated with upper respiratory tract infections will need oral antihistamines and sometimes oral antibiotics. Allergic conjunctivitis are treated with topical antihistamines and lubricants. In all these variants of conjunctivitis, cold compress gives a lot of symptomatic relief or using refrigerated drops helps.
While taking treatment for red eye, ensure to discontinue contact lens use until your eye doctor permits its use. You could use your prescription glasses instead. When you restart contact lens use, start with a new pair. Avoid eye make up for those days as this may increase the irritation and watering.
Seeing Television or working on the computer is allowed provided you are comfortable with the redness and watering which is associated with red eyes.Doing exercises is not a contraindication but it is better to avoid going to the Gym for the fear of spreading it to others. Similarly swimming should be avoided till your eye specialist gives permission.
Red eyes, especially the ones due to allergy can recur if you are exposed to the triggering agent, commonly it is environmental pollution other causes are plants, pollen, animal hair and rarely foodstuff. Allergic conjunctivitis due to atopy seen more in children have their periodic exacerbations especially during the spring time.Viral and bacterial red/pink eyes can also have a relapse if there is contamination again. It is best to wash all the clothes associated with an infected person in hot water (above 60 degrees) with normal detergent for 15 minutes. No additional chemicals are required. It is best never to touch ones face without washing the hands with soap and water. Do not use hand rub and touch your eyes, the chemicals or alcohol in them could cause severe irritation and redness.
It is important to take appropriate and timely medical help in diagnosing the type of conjunctivitis, it is not wise to self medicate or share the drops.